candee skin

Candee Skin Resources The Urgent Need for Diversity in Esthetician Training


In the pursuit of beauty and wellness, the beauty industry has long been a haven for self-expression and self-care. However, a critical issue has cast a shadow over this vibrant space—the glaring lack of diversity in esthetician training. As we strive for inclusivity and representation in all facets of life, it’s time to address the disparities in the training of skincare professionals.

1. A Reflection of Society:

Estheticians are entrusted with the care of diverse skin types, tones, and textures. Yet, the lack of diversity in esthetician training programs doesn’t reflect the real-world diversity they encounter in their careers. This incongruence perpetuates a cycle of exclusion that echoes broader societal issues.

2. Tailoring Treatments to All Skin Types:

Diverse skin types require nuanced approaches. Candice Johnson, a former 10 year esthetician turned business owner has been trying to bring awareness to this issue. She notes, “training programs must at least touch on the significance of understanding the unique needs of various skin tones”. From skincare products to treatment protocols, inclusivity in training ensures that estheticians are equipped to cater to a broad spectrum of clients.

3. Cultural Competence:

Skincare is not only about addressing physical concerns but also about recognizing and respecting cultural differences. A more diverse esthetician training curriculum would incorporate cultural competence, fostering an environment where clients feel seen, heard, and understood, irrespective of their background.

4. Redefining Beauty Standards:

The beauty industry has the power to challenge conventional beauty standards and redefine notions of beauty. Estheticians play a crucial role in this shift. A diverse training approach empowers estheticians to celebrate the uniqueness of each individual, promoting a more inclusive and positive beauty narrative.

5. Meeting Client Expectations:

In today’s globalized world, clients rightfully expect estheticians to be knowledgeable about a broad range of skincare practices. A diverse training program ensures that estheticians are well-versed in addressing the evolving needs of an increasingly diverse clientele.

6. The Business Case for Diversity:

Beyond the somewhat moral imperative, there’s a compelling business case for diversity in esthetician training. A diverse workforce is more adept at navigating varied client needs, resulting in increased customer satisfaction, loyalty, and ultimately, business success. Candice writes, ” I’ve seen how a simplistic knowledge of a variety of skin has contributed greatly to our bottom line”.

7. Advocating for Change:

The lack of diversity in esthetician training is a systemic issue that demands attention from industry leaders, educational institutions, and governing bodies. By advocating for inclusive curricula, we can pave the way for a beauty industry that truly embraces and celebrates diversity.

8. Bridging the Gap:

Initiatives to bridge the diversity gap in esthetician training include scholarship programs, mentorship opportunities, and partnerships with organizations promoting diversity in the beauty industry. These efforts contribute to a more accessible and equitable path for aspiring estheticians.

As we champion diversity and inclusion in all sectors, it’s imperative to address the disparities in esthetician training. By nurturing a more diverse generation of skincare professionals, we not only elevate the standards of the beauty industry but also foster a culture of acceptance, understanding, and celebration of all skin types and identities. It’s time to break down barriers, challenge biases, and build a beauty industry that truly reflects the richness of the world it serves.

skin care

Marley Smith

December 23, 2023

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